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Good but...

This was good. I liked this a lot. What parts of the body you DID draw were drawn incredibly well however that brings me to my criticism. The particular style you chose doesnt seem right for a DBZ flash. The stick-figure-esq heads would fit well with stick hands, but with real hands the contrasting head just seems... well... lazy, to be honest. And the floating hands are a bit out of place. In DBZ they use their arms a lot for blocking and headlocks and such. Seeing Goku's hands floating in front of his face doesn't seem as dramatic as seeing Goku trying desperately to shield himself from a blast with his arms crossing his chest. Don't get me wrong, I want to stress how much I like your art as far as the hair and clothing go. The blasts are good too and the sounds worked great. The ending (I won't spoil) really made me say wow, being the DBZ fan that I am (that is, if I understood what happened right). I understand that you have a rayman type art style and I think that's great if that's what you want to go with. However, I just don't think it fits for DBZ. Just... Consider it. GJ though Overall.

Fr0st-yo responds:

Sorry, I don't have that kind of time to make limbs, that would require maybe 1000 times more tweening then I did with just hands, feet, a body, and a head. My next movie is in the making and has all limbs, etc.

"Hey stop!..."

"...Phew, glad I caught you before you jumped. I didn't get to throw a rock at you when the other guys did, so HERE!" Your flash is well animated. Your taste in music doesn't strike me as being the best, but to each his own i suppose. The thing I have the biggest problem with is that I this flash seems like it's trying to be dramatic as opposed to funny or anything, but it's hard for me to take weird looking stick figures seriously which sorta ruins the overall experience for me. [Warning, this part is the painfully honest review part, if you can't handle criticism please skip to the next set of brackets] The overall story of your flash (someone is made fun of because they're different, they think about suicide, someone else who's different stops them) has been played out in movies, books, and various other places which means that your flash brings nothing new to me, just a shorter stickified version of a story I've heard far too many times. [okay, the worst is over] Your animation is pretty good though, as I said before.

Nice animation, but you're NOT supporting us...

I have family in the american army and these are their views, I agree fully. If you don't support the war you don't support the troops, it's impossible. They're out there giving their lives to make sure that Saddam doesn't decide to launch chemical strikes all over the place. They're putting their lives on the line and people like you are telling them that it's wrong and calling that support? Support is aiding in one way or another for someone to succeed. They believe in their cause and if you don't then you're not supporting them. We are at war and you cannot change that. If you don't want us to win, then you must be wanting us to lose because there's no way that everyone will suddenly say "let's leave that other country alone." People like you are the ones who want to look the other way to promote peace while at the same time allowing Saddam to mass weapons for war. Our "peace" right now would no doubt result in a far greater number of civilian casualties worldwide 10 years down the road when Saddam decides to go happy with chem weapons. There will always be war and you are ignorant to think otherwise. World peace is impossible, it would simply result in war over much smaller things (for instance whether the cowboys are better than steelers). Sometimes war is necessary for peace, kiddo.

Doran responds:

There's obviously no way for me to persuade you of any other idea. You probably think that because I don't support Bush I'm unpatriotic. And that is not the definition of a patriot. If I had my way, we'd still have UN inspectors in Iraq looking for those weapons of mass destructions. If we found those weapons then I'd send in the troops. So don't say all I want to do is look the other way. I know that "world peace" is impossible without conflict, but there are ways to get around war which is what I support. Peaceful resolutions to these problems make more sense than just picking up guns and being forced blindly into war.

And here's your review...

The art is great. A good blend of quality and animation. So many flashes lack one or the other. Yes this is short so you can't expect it to outdo a kickass 3 or 4 minute flash, but you knew that before you submitted it right? ;) Moving on, the audio is a bit hard to understand. It's okay, but maybe the voice actor should speak more clearly for the sake of the flash. The Morpheus' last line could've been made a little funnier, but more or less it worked for the point. The only problem I really have would be with you using this flash to advertise your other flash. It had it's 15 minutes of fame and people will most likely take a look at your other submissions anyway. The end is coming - PK

pyropymp responds:

please rate according to how the movie was, not because of things I said in the comments section. Besides, it's MY comments section, why shouldn't I say things I want?

Here's the deal...

Your style looks nice. It has an old fashioned comic book look, which I don't personally like, but in all fairness it's well drawn for what it is. The problem is, there's virtually no animation. You can have more skill than Todd Mcfarlane but if your characters move like puppets it's not going to live up to it's potential. Maybe if this had more animation I'd be into it, but as is it doesn't hold my attention very long.


From the video, it looks like your boyfriend was much more excited about your trick than I am. This site is for creative flashes, not stupid skateboard tricks. And since I know you'll ask, yes, I do skate board and yes I am better than you, but there's a time and place to show it off and it's not newgrounds.

Where to start....

Your preloader didn't work at all, it started without waiting. Then Zero attacks mega man without warning. After both of them stand there like idiots (or like 7 year olds trying to figure out the buttons) mega man jumps away only to be attacked by Zero again and, yet again, run. This should be called "Zero pointlessly attacks Mega Man and Mega Man turns the other cheek: The 15 second platinum edition"

mrwally responds:

Like i said it was buggy. It was also a preview so it was just scenes from what is to come. It didnt have sound because why make a preview too big. The story will be in the full version.

Sticks being killed for no reason...

There were sticks being killed for no apparent reason by weapons that formed from no where... Why does this seem soo soooo soooooooooooo familiar?

TomokoSasaki responds:

Mock my movie when you make one, and get a decent alias.

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