You're completely wrong. Tutorials on Newgrounds are usually pretty stupid. The REAL steps to making successful flashes are:
1. Make it about whatever video game is popular at the time. The more overrated the game is the more loved your flash will be. Especially if the overrated piece of garbage in question contains an exploitable joke that isn't funny the first time you hear it. I'm thinking something about... Say... An arrow and a knee...
2. Say it's your first flash. People will save the worst crap ever if you tell them it's your first flash. Don't believe me? I made a flash called Deth Fiting solely to prove this point. It survived.
3. Make a madness flash. Since even the original madness was just a bunch of basic shapes being tweened, ANYONE can make a madness flash of the exact same quality. The bonus to making a madness flash is that you don't need voices, plot, or (oddly enough) even entertaining fight scenes. Just have one guy tween like he's having a standing-up orgasm while he shoots the other tweenies and you're good to go.