I sort of admired this until I got to the end of your author's comments. Pretending you don't know who Calvin and Hobbes are when almost EVERY expression your boy made in this flash mirrors Calvin right down to the line is just irritating. On top of that, it would take two seconds to google Calvin and Hobbes, and you can't expect people to actually explain it to you in the review space, which means there are only two possible reasons you would have asked that question in your author's comments:
1. A poor attempt at humor as you silently give credit where it's due and admit that your art was HEAVILY influenced by the comic, or
2. A desperate and overly obvious attempt to make people think you don't know who Calvin and Hobbes are.
Strangely enough, in your other flashes where people don't look like Calvin none of them make the extreme expressions that the boy in this made over the littlest things. Even when their mood changes heavily they don't do any of the outlined eye, different pupil shape things that you displayed here, that Calvin often does. Why is that?
The animation was reasonably smooth, though I would have gone with different music. The music was much too tranquil for the chaos that was going on. The controls were a nice touch too. I just can't believe it kills you to say "Yeah, I really liked his art style and it influenced me here and there." I suppose you gave birth to yourself too, so good job on that.