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Gonna cut this one right down the middle cause I share an equal love and hate for what it is.

Here's what I liked:
-Your art style is cute and fun to look at.
-Your art is consistent. None of that "one second they're super chibi and the next they're super detailed and the next they have the face of nicolas cage" garbage that's so popular these days.
-Your animation is absolutely fantastic. The panning camera and sense of motion is really exciting and I would love to see you do some kind of original story like this.

Here's what I didn't:
-The audio. Nothing witty or funny is said, just some pointless swearing and some obvious comments. Yes, I realize that this is ripped from a video that's probably (yet another) some guys playing a video game they're bad at and talking the entire time (I hate all of those videos and honestly don't see the draw), but my review is just meant to review the content here, which means I need to take the audio in the context of this video, in which it's... Well... Pretty stupid.
-The laughing. So painfully annoying, yet, so incredibly frequent.
-The writing. (Yup, the spew of profanity and commenting on what's happening like a ringside announcer is so incredibad that it has to be mentioned twice.)

Overall you have SOOOO much skill, please don't blow it on animating dumb youtube videos of guys with not even a fraction of your creativity.

CatFat responds:

I appreciate your review!
It's objective and constructive reviews like this that I love NG for.

Ehhhh, not bad but not great either.

Here's what I liked:
-The backgrounds were awesome. They looked very anime-fitting. Kudos.
-The animation was pretty smooth.
-The audio wasn't bad quality (the acting and writing is another matter).
-Naruto being painfully obviously crazy stupid gay in love with Sasuke is accurate.

Here's what I didn't:
-Doing a bunch of ever-changing weird faces is incredibly overdone now and hasn't been funny since Ren and Stimpy went off the air. This is no exception. It was just annoying and distracting and frankly still images would have been more enjoyable to watch. It's a desperate plea for someone to find your art funny, like the visual equivalent of when you and your friends are singing a song that you know they might make fun of you for liking so you sing it really poorly and offkey and make up random lyrics about how much the song sucks and stuff... Oh wait...
-You sung a song really poorly and offkey and made up random lyrics about how much the song sucks and stuff, again a desperate plea to fit in and be accepted. It's one thing to try to make up some witty parody lines that poke fun at it, but you didn't try to do anything funny with the song (at least I hope that wasn't your idea of witty humor) and it wasn't really necessary to include the song at all, so basically what you did could have just as easily been achieved by ending with a big message that said "Naruto is for nerds. It's okay to like me because I don't really like Naruto. It's poopy. Am I popular yet?" Basically the same as when someone with no animation skill who's never felt the need to make a cartoon decides to make a really crappy cartoon of Justin Bieber eating dog poop. It's not inspiration or some profound statement or even practice for something better, they just want to be popular for hating something that it's okay to hate.
-Between the endless dicks, the faggot comments, and the out-of-character affection Sasuke showed it seems like you really just want to draw boy love yaoi stuff but, as this flash illustrated, you're not willing to admit to liking anything that your friends won't approve of. Don't worry, I can read between the lines. I studied psychology. if you keep repressing those emotions you're going to to rape your grandfather so just let it out.
-Overall this flash didn't rely on wit or anything, just a hope that weird drawings of faces and a few sudden random mood swings would come off as funny. Unfortunately it really just didn't.

DuDuL responds:

Mr. Psychologist missed the mark on that one.
Other than that - thx


Here's what I liked:
-The sort-of-pixelated art style was really cool. Very awesome and unique.
-The audio was spot on. I suppose it was loud but it sounded great and was truly faithful to the source material.
-The animation was pretty smooth.
-The backgrounds looked great. Good to see you go that extra mile.

Here's what I didn't:
-The pun could have been executed in funnier ways. Seems like the core of the joke was stealing the air and sacrificing Tails. I think that could have been funnier if it was done with some sort of block or last second steal or some other form of comedic violence. Having him take the air so that Sonic could spend 30 seconds making goo goo eyes at him before they make out was unnecessary. Yeah, we get it, Sonic's about to lip lock with Tails, move on.
-Sonic should have died before Tails even grabbed the bubble. He seemed to survive well past what the musical cue said should be his death time. Even then he wasn't gagging or struggling for air, he was calmly spending an hour making eyebrows at Tails.
-Why didn't Sonic go for a different bubble, or move more than 2 inches after going underwater? It's like he desperately wanted an excuse to kiss/kill Tails.
-Considering the sheer number of ways this could have been done you picked the only one that forces (through several logic errors by both Sonic and Tails) the two of them to press their faces together. I suspect you're really into SonicxTails yaoi or something, but what happened here (forced sexual contact leading to the death of a young boy) doesn't come off as funny, just... Disturbing...

MichaFrario responds:

Reverse CPR Disturbing? Mission complete!

Artistically, this was really good. The style looked really faithful to Fairly Oddparents. I was pleasantly surprised. The "hats n hats n hats n hats" line made me laugh. This was really well executed with one exception... I can't tell if it was a low quality mic, some major reduced quality audio exporting, multiple recordings of the lyrics over each other, or some horrible filter, but whatever was done to the vocals made it sound really bad. There were honestly whole sections of lyrics that I couldn't pick up 2 words out of. It was like listening to two people singing in different keys while making out with one another with mouths full of marbles. And one of them has one of those robot voice things that chronic smokers get. Awfully unclear lyrics (I'm aware they're in the author's comments, but this section isn't for reviewing THAT now is it?), but otherwise this was really well done.

MisterChris responds:

Thanks for the feedback! I completely agree with you, the audio track was not as good as it could have been. The problem came from having 3 different online voice actors singing for me, and when they're working for free you make due with what you have. Originally is sounded much worse, so I sent it off to have someone who is better at mixing audio take a stab at it, and I got what you are hearing now back. I can only assume the muddled voices were there to mask the big differences in voice talents, and there was autotune put into it as well (Which I wasn't happy about). But for what it is, it could've been much better, but hey, there's always room for improvement. :)

The art was good, the animation was nice, and the audio (despite being half dragon ball z sounds) was decent. I enjoyed a lot of the humor too. I was really happy wih this flash and felt it deserved a higher score and then suddenly came the bombshell that he was supposed to be 12. Holy Dipper Pines, this "kid" sounds to be in his mid twenties. That made me look at things a little differently, but still it wasn't too much of a black mark. Then came the forced line about a boner. It didn't flow, it wasn't witty or anything, it was just like you really really wanted to comment on his boner and decided that was the best spot to put it in. I'm not a fan of people creating stories combining children and sex things (see: pedophilia). And just as I wouldn't want my money supporting terrorists, I don't want my precious stars supporting pedophiles. Still, since this was entertaining, I've weighed the quality of this flash against your unpleasant lifestyle choice and have decided that one star is the fair middle ground. You're a talented artist. Keep up the good work (until you're prosecuted, of course).

ArinsMind responds:

It's just a flash cartoon?

Spazkid's voice acting was so craptacularly crappy that I had to wipe my speakers. But this was otherwise an acceptable flash.

Twisted4000 responds:

I actually liked his acting lol

I was really confused. Is defense curl an attack? It sounds like it would be some sort of defense buff but he didn't use it until after metapod had already used all of his attacks. Maybe it's a debuff? Either way I have a feeling there's a joke here I'm not getting so I'll skip the humor and rate this based on everything else. There wasn't much in the way of plot, some guy challenges another to a pokebattle and loses. The art was alright, but the animation wasn't very smooth the audio quality was decent but the voice acting wasn't anything spectacular. This flash was... Meh... Alright.

PostTimeskipSam responds:

Thanks for your...blessing. :D Defense Curl is actually a defense buff.

This was pretty good!

Here's what I liked:
-The animation was nice and smooth.
-The joke was funny and well executed.
-Loved the end.
-The audio was good.
-You worked a lot of items in there.

Here's what I didn't:
-The style changes. 100% everything that I didn't like about this flash had to do with the odd changes in Link's face. From the trolly wrinkles in the face on the main screen to the chubby face in the part with the fairy, I was definitely not a fan of those moments. Everyone seems to be doing that stuff though so I can't blame you.

Keep up the good work!

Rafiles responds:

Thank you for your review! It is very useful and i understand your critique + i fully agree with it. I don't have very much experience with face expressions yet, but what you say is true. Everyone is doing it, so i thought people liked it. That's why i wanted to try it too! But according the rating and views, i failed lol.

Not bad. My biggest bit of advice would be to try to balance out the sound a bit more. The mother and the music from the driving scene were both so loud that i had to turn down the volume but then when they started speaking i had to turn it back up to understand everyone. Use some audio editing software to normalize the volume next time and you should be good to go. You show a lot of promise. Keep up the good work!

LixAndDean responds:

Yeah, you're right :/ I have Audacity now, should help a little :D

Thank for your advice :3

I will :D

It's better than the original at least...

Bbqbeefburgerman responds:

f u

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