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This was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too short. Fun fact for anyone reading this review: it's taken you longer to read this than it will for you to watch this flash.

The voice acting was pretty good and the animation wasn't half bad either. In fact if this was in the experimental genre or something I would probably give it a pretty high score, but since it's not I have to take the writing and plot and such into consideration too, and that's where this flash falls short. I have no idea how what Iago was saying was relevant to anything that was going on in this flash. He just seemed to be randomly going on about sexual things while Jafar didn't react at all. That seemed to be the entire "plot". I have to tell you that that is quite confusing. I didn't hear any witty puns or clever references to Iago or Jafar. Without the voice and appearance this could be anyone, there was no behavior or personality references that tied this to Jafar and Iago. This just seems like a random flow of sexual references that aren't related to anything. I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume there's more than that, maybe you were making some statement or there's some witty pun I missed, but as it stands this just seems like a random boring spiel of ranting. The Game Grumps crowd will love this. I, however, do not.

This is easily the best Game Grumps flash I've ever seen, thus I will give it one star more than I would normally give any Game Grumps flash.

CarlDoonan responds:

Two stars are certainly better than one. Thanks for the rating!

More of the same. Not that it's anything new. Every Madness movie ever has been the same plotless tweenfest (making Madness the only series that takes less effort to make than a sprite flash or a stick flash) but honestly the thing about this that bothers me is that you would submit it for Madness day. You get this whole (imo highly undeserved) day dedicated to your series encouraging fans to make fan flashes with cash prizes and then you swoop in to try to steal it from everyone. That's the equivalent of Shaq funding a friendly basketball competition for kids 5 - 10 to encourage them to be active and stuff and then deciding he'll enter that competition too (knowing that only a handful of prizes are being given out in the first place).

Way to spit in the face of your fans.

The only complaints I have apply to the series as a whole, really.

Here's what I liked:
-The voice acting was very good.
-The sound effects were also good.
-The music was also good.
-The audio as a whole was great.
-The overall presentation (menu screen, camera angles, transitions and such) was done very well.
-The length was long enough to tell an effective story without overstaying its welcome.
-8 episodes, I really admire that you're keeping at it.
-Impressive that you had so many characters with speaking parts.

Here's what I didn't:
-Rockoon came back. Normally I would love seeing him violently skewered, but there are two characters in this series I hate even more than Rockoon. One of them is...
-Kirbopher is a total whiny emo bitch. I don't know if there's some sort of Crybaby Event Horizon trope but if there is this character should be listed. He's passed the point of redemption for me. He could heroically fight 30 ninjas to save a school bus of toddlers and I would still see him as nothing more than a self-pitying attention whore who needs a diaper change. Since he shares a name with the artist I doubt he'll be killed off anytime soon, but he's tied for "TOME character I'd most like to see die a slow, violent, painful death" with...
-Nylocke, as he has been since his first appearance, is painfully irritating. I literally have a headache now and I choose to blame it on the burning hatred that flares up every time I see, hear, or think about Nylocke. This character has no redeeming qualities, brings nothing beneficial to the team, and is endlessly annoying.
-The double team move is a bit hokey and cliche. I like it better when two people use their own particular abilities and make them synergize somehow, creating a third effect that neither could achieve alone (like someone with sand power and someone with heat power creating a giant magnifying glass to concentrate sun rays into a death beam), or at the very least their powers compliment each other really well (like someone with water power flooding an area so someone with electricity power can hit multiple targets easily), but in this case it was just the two of them have airsex and headbutt people. Felt a little lazy.
-Speaking of lazy, I hate any part that has looping mouth animations.
-I was disappointed that the archer didn't get to do more. I was hoping he'd reveal he was actually a badass in combat in contrast with his personality. Half of me was hoping the archer would be a dark horse and carry the team, becoming an awesome new central character in the cast that I could look forward to seeing. Half of me was hoping Kirbopher would lose, hard. The end result of the battle disappointed both halves of me.
-Again addressing the most disappointing battle of the episode, why did Rockoon throw away his partner? Why, when he had Kirbopher pinned and defeated, did he choose to back away, jump a mile in the air, and announce his attack rather than using fury swipes? Rockoon used an incredible amount of plot magic to assist a whiny baby who throws his next match.
-In fact, why did Kirbopher even battle Rockoon? He clearly wasn't out to win the tournament so why not just jump off the edge?
-Why didn't Kirbopher not enter the tournament in the first place? The archer could have found a teammate that didn't suck.
-Did Kirbopher enter the tournament JUST so he could be around the rest of the cast and be emo? Even tracking down a partner who he has nothing in common with, no desire to be friends with, and sees no potential for victory. That's taking attention whore status to a whole new level. "The guys are going to forget about my pity party for a day. I'll risk my own demise just so they'll have to pay attention to my tears." Such a sad, sad individual. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that the REAL Kirbopher would not be such a self-important attention whore, but please have the CHARACTER Kirbopher decide he's done with TOME and he's going to go play WoW instead or something. His whinings aren't benefitting the series at all.
-Not a major issue, but in the first fight with smogbunny the guy she was fighting reminded me of air man. It looked like he had a fan on his chest. So when the field filled with smoke and he did nothing about it I was thoroughly confused.
-I assume it will be addressed in an upcoming episode, but the bunny's presence (and for that matter, the bunny's teammate's presence) in the tournament at all currently seems unnecessary. She could have just as easily watched from the stands and swiped Alpha. She did grab a shield, however since she could buy/find/probably forge a shield like that with ease I'm hoping something will be explained about why this particular shield is important enough that she needed to enter the tournament... Or why she couldn't swipe it BEFORE the tournament when she DIDN'T have hundreds of eyes on her. Hmm... This must be one fantastic shield.

Overall, this is arguably the best TOME so far. You're improving each time and you picked a perfect spot to end the episode at. I just wish some characters didn't have to stick around for the journey.

You have talent and I truly truly hope that your next animation will be something original, even a funny parody, I don't really care, just not Game Grumps. This entire idea of game grumps animated seems like possibly the worst thing to happen to this site in a long long time. None of the game grumps stuff is funny, and that's in videos where there's actually some context. When you take what's already dumb and put it in a random unrelated cartoon where it now makes -3 sense, it doesn't get better. It gets worse. MUCH worse. Game grumps animated videos are never ever ever ever ever ever funny or even good, it's just a manipulative way for them to get their egos stroked. Again, I want to emphasis that you DO clearly have talent, but even a dbz sprites vs madness flash would be a more entertaining waste of your talent than game grumps. They're garbage. You deserve better.

Not bad.

Here's what I liked:
-The voice acting was good.
-The music was also good.
-The animation, again, good.
-The art was alright.

Here's what I didn't:
-All the extra anime characters you put in there would be dead just from standing so close to a clash between Goku and Superman. The idea that they could actually enter the battle without exploding is laughable.
-While the voice acting was pretty good, some of the audio quality of the lines was rough.
-The credits went on about 5 times as long as they needed to. I'm compelled to lower my score by one star for how agonizing that was alone.

Certainly a decent animation though and not bad for just being practice. Keep at it.

Kel-chan responds:

cmon really credits....usually I just move onto a new video once the credits roll unless im looking specifically for VAs or what they used to make it

Well, he definitely deserved to die, if for no other reason than his own stupidity.

Here's what I liked:
-Visually this was pretty cool to look at. I'm not usually into tween-heavy flashes but you did a good job here.
-The music wasn't bad. The lyrics didn't seem to go with the visuals much but the beat worked.
-This had a nice atmosphere to it. It was consistent and kept with the subject matter.

Here's what I didn't:
-From a plot perspective, this didn't make much sense. The scientist has many many many many doors, so obviously there's someone or something he desperately wants to keep out. Judging by the number of robot things, they've been around for a while, possibly as a robot army bent on destroying the human race. He builds a powerful wolf thing which, ala megaman, one would assume is meant to fight the robots and save humanity. But apparently that assumption is wrong since, when the robots finally break in (and considering the number of doors they went through the scientist clearly knew they were coming) the scientist positions himself between the robots and the wolf (which obviously you would not do after finishing a weapon you were hoping would save your life). He then seems to attempt to reason with the robots (since he's making no effort to run or wield a weapon, even as he watches them come slowly through the final door). If this IS a robot army bent on humanity's destruction then he should know there's no reasoning with them, so it would make no sense for him to even try talking to them, so I'll assume that's not the case. It's possible that this is very early in the robot revolt or maybe the robots were his own in a separate part of his laboratory, but either way if an army of creatures is willing to break through 700 walls to get to you it might be a good idea to prepare for the worst. And if he somehow didn't know that these robots were coming to kill him then what purpose did he have for building such a strong wolf? Did he see fantasies of himself and his oversized powerwolf playing catch? Underground behind a million doors? And where was the wolf going in the end? It didn't spend much time mourning its creator that it was so obedient to a moment before, and it didn't seem to have anymore robots in the immediate area to give it a target.
-Some parts were way too drawn out, particularly the part where the wolf is running up the shaft, not actually attacking anyone. That "he's going to attack those robots there when he reaches them!" moment seemed to drag on past the point of excitement, then past the point of comical parody, and finally into the point of boredom.

Overall, this is a unique flash music video with strong visuals, but the writing is a bit weak.

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