Confusing. Really really really confusing. Aside from the first 4 seconds or so I didn't understand what this had to do with Kakariko or even Zelda for that matter. Who is this guy? Why does he want a chicken rather than getting food from someplace that has food prepared? Why is he talking to Link about it when Link doesn't own these chickens? Why does he call Link a talker before even giving Link the chance to say anything? Why is everyone's face smashed in like that? Who is the second guy? Why do they kill Link out of the blue? Why are the lines so weird? The guy who did them needs a better mic cause it almost sounded like ripped audio (in fact I watched the credits to see if it mentioned ripping audio from something so that I could try to understand the joke, but the voices were actually credited to someone so I guess not). This was extremely random, weird, disturbing, and confusing. Unfortunately, words I wouldn't use are entertaining, funny, and pretty to look at. Have someone proof read your script next time to make sure it's not... Strange.