I disagree with the last reviewer. I can perfectly picture piloting my airship across the map while this music plays. It has a grand feeling of exploration and adventure to it. Very well done!
I disagree with the last reviewer. I can perfectly picture piloting my airship across the map while this music plays. It has a grand feeling of exploration and adventure to it. Very well done!
Sounds like you started with an awesome song with a kickass sound and then right when you were about to start singing the floor dropped out and you began plummeting to your death. Ah, screamo.
Funny you call us scremo.....we hate scremo music ;)
Fuckin Hilarious!
This is great. I almost fell out of my chair with laughter. The rhymes are so awful (like rhyming a word with the same word four times in the song) and the lyrics make this guy sound like such a douche. So many people try to write these serious songs and post them on newgrounds, it's refreshing to see someone with a sense of humor. Some people will probably think you really are a dick like that, but I can tell you just wrote these lyrics to be funny. No one is THAT much of a fucking moron. Good job though, you could be like Tenacious D or something. Please right more funny shit. That's what I'm excited about.
Thats why i dont bother writing anymore. These haters arent worth actually trying for. Without even trying im a much better entertainner than all of these angry zero bombers who write blogs about me...lmfao thanks brah.
Be a blessing to others and you will be blessed.
God's Green Earth
Joined on 9/19/01